Review step in a Assisted installer wizard
Author: Nir Farkas | Last edit: September 06, 2024 | Design type: Alerting, Details page, Error state, Wizard | Product area: Assisted Installer
Review and install step in Assisted Installer wizard
This design shows the Review and install step in the Assisted installer wizard. This is the final step before installing a cluster and in this step,user gets to check if there are any errors/issues they need to address and review the details entered in the previous steps of the wizard.
Details of the Review and install step
The Review and install step has 2 main parts
1-The expandable section at the top where ‘Preflight checks’ or validations are show. This section is by default expanded if there are errors/alerts the user needs to address. If all the validations are passed, by default the section will be collapsed.
2-The Cluster summary where all the details the user entered during the previous steps of the wizard are listed.The data is shown in the same order as the wizard steps and each section is collapsible.
Errors inside the Cluster summary
If there are errors the user needs to correct, they are flagged by showing the ‘error icon’ near the respective data and also the associated step in wizard is also highlighted with the ‘error icon’. When the user clicks on the error icon near the data, a popover is shown with details of the error and a link to the respective wizard step.
Scenario of no validation errors
When there are no validation errors present, the preflight checks will be collapsed by default.The user can expand and see the details of the section.