The UXD front-end development team develops and maintains the PatternFly design system used across the Red Hat product portfolio as well as providing front-end development services to product teams. By implementing common experiences across products and connecting teams across the product portfolio, we help to drive a consistent user experience for our users.
About front-end development
Learn about the UXD front-end development team - who we are and what we do
Creating PatternFly icons
Find procedures for creating and adding new icons to the PatternFly library
Getting started with the ODH Dev environment
Learn how to get started using the ODH development environment
PatternFly is an open source design system maintained by Red Hat UXD. It helps teams build consistent and accessible product experiences at scale
PatternFly ecosystem architecture diagram
Find an overview of PatternFly GitHub repos, the build process, and workflow for generating a PatternFly release.
PatternFly fires
Find a running list of issues affecting PatternFly releases
PatternFly for Developers
A complete guide for developers new to the PatternFly project including best practices and general guidelines for all PatternFly developers
PatternFly Major Release Development Process
Find a step-by-step process for starting a major release development workstream
Project kickoff process
Learn about the steps you should go through for starting off a new development project and how to write a project brief
Red Hat portfolio UI technical interdependency map
Understand dependencies between PatternFly versions and product UI code across the Red Hat portfolio
SNYK dashboard
Use this tool for finding and fixing security vulnerabilities in your PatternFly code
So you want to be a front-end developer!
Find onboarding information for front-end developers here
Spinning up the Console repo for front-end development
Learn how to set up your development environment using the Console repo
Steps for Releasing PatternFly
Find a step-by-step procedure for releasing PatternFly here
Writing accessibility documentation for PatternFly
Learn how to write consistent and robust accessibility content for PatternFly components.