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Author: Kevin Hatchoua | Last edit: March 21, 2023 | Design type: Export flow | Product area: Hybrid Cloud Console

Pattern proposal


[App] = Name of application this file is from, spaces replaced by “-” (e.g. Vulnerability, Subscription-Watch). Apps can shorten their name if applicable (e.g. “Sub-Watch”)

[Thing] = Source of the file, where it was exported from, or what the list is. Spaces replaced by “-”. (e.g. Executive-Report, CVEs, Systems)

[Date] = Date and time of export, in UTC. Formatted for file sorting: “YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS-UTC”. Time is optional and can be decided by the team (e.g. for list exports you want time, for exec reports you may not)


All are lowercase for simplicity.

When shortening/abbreviating, all reports for an app should be abbreviated in the same way (e.g. one report cannot say “sub-watch” when another one says “subscription-watch”. Both should be the same)




No time (exec report) -- could shorten to “exec-report”: app’s choice


Full-time stamp


Shortened report name (from System Comparison) 


  • The punctuation choices (Using a “-” between words, “--” before the date, and “_” between app name and thing name) is based on no data, this is a guess. Any real data on this will supersede :D