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Skeleton/empty state graph on Day 0

Tina Yip avatar

Author: Tina Yip | Last edit: May 10, 2024 | Design type: Empty state | Product area: Ansible

Dashboard Day 0

In areas of AAP, we show a data graph on the dashboard level. In EDA, the Rule Audit graph will only show once a rule is run and there is data populated. On Day 0, we want to show a skeleton/empty state graph to indicate to the user that there is something that will be shown on the dashboard even though there is no data populated yet.

The graph should be a static image with a fixed design based on the type of graph it will be once data has been input and will have a fixed height. Once data has populated, the height will change accordingly. We are also using a plain inline alert to provide more explanation about the empty state graph to the user and what they might need to do to populate it.

Example of an empty state/skeleton graph

Since this was needed for our product area, we have contributed this design back to PatternFly as we think it could be useful in other areas as well.