Developer/Technology Preview
Developer Preview and Technology Preview both apply to versions of software provided by Red Hat intended to collect feedback from customers prior to possible supported versions. Both terms apply to functionality or installations that are “opt-in”, fully configurable, and default to being disabled. Customers must explicitly enable any preview functionality. In other words, neither are not turned on by default and customers need to take specific actions to enable them.
Both are NOT intended to be used for production environments or to address production use cases. Customers are strongly cautioned against running production or business-critical workloads on or in conjunction with Development or Technology Preview features or releases.
The preview definitions are not specified in the contract, but we do it on the Customer Portal. This gives Red Hat flexibility to adjust terms and scope of coverage without having to redo contracts, while also protecting Red Hat from legal liability.
There are a couple of variations and we don't have consistent way to using the preview badges.
Hybrid Cloud Consol