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Custom email template for reports

Zhenpeng Chen avatar

Author: Zhenpeng Chen | Last edit: September 05, 2024 | Design type: Modal, Wizard | Product area: ACS

 Custom-built design pattern/component 
Attention to designers: This pattern may not be suitable for all other products at Red Hat. Please use it wisely. 
The ACS team has specialized in building and applying this unique pattern or component to satisfy users' needs.


Why do we need an email template for the scheduled reports?

An email template is a tool used to summarize the vulnerability data to designated recipients. It helps users triage vulnerabilities and make informed decisions by receiving scheduled reports via email.

How does it work?

 Workflow part 1    
Open the editable model

Click the “Default template applied” button to open the editable modal.



 Workflow part 2 
Edit the template

In the email template modal, users can edit the email subject and the email body, and click the “Preview” tab to see what it looks like after making the changes. The fields have been modified by users in the example below (The “Apply” button will be disabled if no changes are detected):

 Workflow part 3 
Preview the template

Clicked the “Preview tab” will be shown 2 states of the CVEs:

State 1: “CVEs found”: This is applied by the system if  one or more CVEs have found.

State 2: "CVEs not found": This is applied by the system if zero CVEs found. 

Both states will include all the data that are updated by users from the “Edit” tab, and also the additional information of the CVEs' data that is auto generated by the system in the end of the “Email body” field.


 Workflow 4 
Review and Apply

(7) If everything looks good, click the “Apply” button to start using this email template. 

 Workflow 5 
Update completed!

If applied successfully, the text of the button will be updated to “Custom template applied”.

 Workflow 6 
Revert to the Default template

Revert the template back to default if users decide to revert back to the “Default template” by doing the followings:

1. Open the editable modal by clicking the “Custom template applied” button

2. Under the “Edit” tab, click “Reset to default” 

3. Click “Apply”

Note: on the UI technical aspect, we don't save any custom email template except the one that's currently applied to the report and the default email template is always available to be restored when needed.




Prototype link

The above content only highlights the feature on a surface level, click the prototype link to view a complete experience of this feature. 

If you have any trouble accessing or viewing the prototype, please feel free to get in touch with one of our ACS team members.

Figma prototype