Our content designers help users connect with products and communities in an authentic, intuitive, and enjoyable way.
About content design
Learn about the field of content design, meet the UXD content design team, and learn how they work.
Best practices for writing quick starts
These guidelines cover best practices for writing quick start content, including length, tone, structure, and style considerations.
Case study template
Use this template to document, reflect on or share your design story for publishing to our Medium blog
Content Design Welcome Guide
Learn more about Content Design at Red Hat, available resources, and what you need to get started as a content designer
Crash course: UX Content Design
Get an overview of Content Design at Red Hat and the resources available
IBM style guide
The IBM style guide is Red Hat's primary source for style guidance when writing Red Hat product and cross-product solution documentation (IBM login required)
PatternFly Medium editorial calendar
Find a schedule of PatternFly Medium articles scheduled or previously published
PatternFly UX writing style guide
Refer to this style guide when you're crafting microcopy for product UIs
Red Hat corporate style guide
This guide is maintained by Red Hat Corporate Communications and contains useful information about company writing standards and guidelines
Red Hat supplementary style guide
This document provides style and language guidance the supplements the IBM style guide for writing product documentation
RHOAI add/edit modal titles and button content
Standard titles and button content for add/edit resource modals within RHOAI
RHOAI confirm delete modal content
Content patterns for modals that prompt the user to confirm the deletion of a resource.
Tweet sheet (UXD & PatternFly
Find a list of tweets scheduled or published for UXD or PatternFly