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ROSA HCP Wizard Reorganization   Research available

Author: Lisa Lyman | Last edit: September 20, 2024 | Design type: Wizard | Product area: OpenShift, Managed Infrastructure


Goal, Effort, User Outcomes, Impact

UX Goal

Minimize the time and effort required for users to successfully create a Red Hat managed infrastructure cluster.



Exploring the option of a "quick create" path for creating a ROSA cluster. We will discover the absolute required settings needed in order to get started, while also considering the limitations of default settings and the need for additional setup options.


Desired user outcomes

User empowerment: Grant users more control over their journey by allowing them to skip ahead and enhancing the wizard experience through flexibility and autonomy.
Accelerated cluster creation: Provide a streamlined way to speed up the cluster creation process via the wizard.


How this effort is impacting the goal

This effort will allow users to efficiently interact with the wizard and not be distracted or overwhelmed by irrelevant information.

Design Details


The wizard reorganization is an effort to reduce the time it takes for a user to create a cluster. By organizing the wizard by required and optional fields, creating safe defaults, and allowing the user to skip past any optional steps, we reduce the amount of scanning, reading, and overall time spent within the wizard. In addition to reorganizing the wizard (OCMUX-19), we have decluttered the UI (OCMUX-6) by reducing text blocks and unnecessary/redundant information, collapsing tertiary information, and reevaluating button usage (primary, secondary, tertiary, icon, etc).


This effort was driven by the Managed Infrastructure Outcome Survey Results. This study aims to uncover the unmet needs of users who use managed services to manage their cloud. This effort targets the following underserved outcome; "Minimize the time it takes to create new infrastructure when managing cloud infrastructure." Users indicated the desire for a "strip down version" to allow for a quicker up-front creation process that can be tweaked in day 2 operations, as needed.

Screenshot_2024-07-05_at_7.40.07 AM_.png




This effort was aimed at our admin personas; primarily our hybrid admin persona. More information on our hybrid persona can be found here.

Screenshot_2024-07-05_at_7.40.20 AM_.png



Once the competitive analysis and use-case definition were completed. We started by identifying required fields, field dependencies, and safe defaults. Next, we reorganized the ROSA HCP wizard, breaking down the steps into two buckets: required and optional fields.



After the user has completed all the required steps (1.1 - 1.3), they have the option to skip to the final "review and create" step of the wizard using the PatternFly: Optional Steps design guideline.



As mentioned, in addition to the ROSA HCP wizard reorganization, a UX audit was completed. This audit included a visual decluttering, as well as a in-context and help text audit. Below you will see one screen example of how this impacted the UI. Additional changes are documented here. In some cases, content was moved to the popover. Help-text popovers can be seen in the Figma prototype.



Lastly, the final "Review and create" step was updated to include an indication of settings that are editable in day-2 operations, and ones that are not (locked). We remind the user that they should review these settings prior to selecting "Create" in order to avoid having to recreate the cluster due to uneditable changes.



Additional information can be found in this deck.

These are screenshots. Please review the Figma prototype (or the actual implemented result) for most updated screens.

Measuring the Effort

Usability Testing and Analytics

Usability test results are documented here.

Recommended updates have been reflected in the prototype.